The friendly local people and superb diving spots make the Solomon Islands one of the best holiday destinations in the world.
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The looted remains of an American B-17 bomber can be found on the sandy bottom offshore Guadalcanal.
- Casi Maru
- One Tree Island
Guadalcanal, with capital Honiara, has been the stage of heavy WWII battles leaving plenty of wrecks and planes left for us divers to explore.
- Mbulo
- Uepi
The Toa Maru is a 6700 ton, 140m (450ft) long Japanese transport ship, and one of the best wreck dives in the area. The ...
- Grand Central Station: The dive sites Grand Central Station and Hotspot u...
One of the Japanese Kawanishi Sea Planes was hit by fighter jets to sink her offshore Gavutu Island.
- Sandfly Passage
- Pyramid
You want guns, we've got guns. 4 x 5" Mounts, 2 x 40mm Bofors, 7 x 20mm cannons and 5 torpedoes. Sitting upright in 70m ...
- USS Kanawha: The first US Fleet oiler 476' long, though it lies...
- Bonegi Two, Kinagawa Maru: The Kinagawa Maru, also known as the Bonegi 2, is ...
The Sussaka Maru or Sasako Maru is another deep wreck dive suitable only for advanced diving.
- Manta Gap
- Presentation Point
Dive site Treasure is a small patch reef which attracts thousands of species, of which many are uncommon.
- Hanging Gardens
- Fanyon Canyon
Kennedy Island or Plum Pudding Island was named in memory of JF Kennedy who wrecked here with his crew.
- Manta Dive
- Naru Gap
The Solomon Islands are located in between Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu, separating the Coral Sea from the South Pacific Ocean. The small resort island Gizo is the most popular dive destination in the Solomon Islands with popular dive sites such as Grand central Station. Munda, slightly southeast, is the new upcoming spot for secluded rich coral reef diving. World's largest lagoon, the Marovo Lagoon near Uepi offers picturesque postcard like bays and beaches, one of nature's most striking features. Honiara is where most visitors start their journey on liveaboard tours towards the Russell Islands or ongoing towards resort islands. The Nggela Islands or Florida Islands are several small islands north of the capital Honiara, Guadalcanal, and separated by the Iron Bottom Sound. Places and islands like Tulagi (Tulaghi), Gavutu, Tanambogo and Maravagi are well known scuba destinations. Choiseul, Santa Isabel, Malaita and San Cristobal are large non touristy islands, where tourist development and diving is virtually absent. There are plenty of unexplored inaccessible places like the Santa Cruz Islands (Temotu) north of Vanuatu and the Rennel and Bellona atolls and Indispensable Reefs. We just have to wait when local scuba liveaboards are organizing trips to these remote waters.
Other attractions in the Solomon Islands are visits to traditional villages, historic sites, sea kayak tours, collecting shells, mountain hiking, cave exploring and superb surfing. Its pristine bays, volcanic islands and coral atolls provide excellent spots for picnics. The main points of interest for scuba divers are the many ship wrecks and airplane wrecks that litter the ocean floor. Most of them sank during WWII when the Solomon Islands were the stage of several heavy battles between the Allied forces (Americans) and the Japanese. The area is blessed with stunning coral formations, healthy waters, excellent visibilities, isolated white beaches dotted with pristine green rainforests and beautiful azul colored waters. Hammerhead sharks, pilot whales, humpback whales, dolphins, turtles and manta rays are some of the biggest creatures that can be encountered while diving or snorkeling here.